Enkaustikos Paints
Shary Bartlett Custom Palettes
Contact here for purchase in Canada

Artist Series
This Enkaustikos encaustic paint palette was created in partnership with Canadian artist Shary Bartlett. The colors were selected specifically to create beautiful color mixes. Artists new to color mixing with encaustic paint will find these colors a great foundation palette while seasoned mixers will discover layers of depth and nuance.
"My art is inspired by nature, so painting with molten beeswax is the perfect medium. I love the ethereal, translucent depth of encaustic and its textural range from richly surfaced to glassy smooth." -Shary Bartlett
Colors in this set are Cobalt Aqua Deep, Pyrolle Red, Bismuth Green, Quinacridone Magenta, Bismuth Yellow, Quinacridone Gold, Indian Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, and Titanium White.
Click here to purchase the Artist Series
Use the code SB-15 for 15% off your purchase!

Enkaustipalettes contain unique collections of 10 encaustic pigmented paint colours. Each of these sets contains seven different colours, white, black and a metallic.
A rich array of glowing hues, perfect for intense color and translucent glazes.
“I love the warm array of colors in this Luminous Enkaustipalette - they simply glow with expressive clarity. The transparent and semi-transparent hues are perfect for glazing, revealing rich undertones when extended with clear medium. This low-tinting palette subtly tones, while maintaining translucency when the colors are mixed. The pearly, interference gold brings a flourish of highlight, and can also be mixed with other colors for a mesmerizing shape-shifting of hue”.
Click here to purchase Luminous set
Use the code SB-15 for 15% off your purchase!

A vibrant blend of highly pigmented colors, also beautiful when tinted or extended with medium.
“I chose these colors of the Vivid Enkaustipalette for their deep, intense, and vibrant spirit. So heavily pigmented, these high chroma values mean a little color goes a long way! Don’t let their darkness fool you: while great for covering, thinning these paints with clear wax medium will reveal exquisite complexities. The robust tinting strength of these opaque and semi-opaque paints creates a stunningly wide palette when mixed. If you love a touch of bling, the metallic silver brings a shimmery pop to this delicious array of hues.”
Click here to purchase Vivid set
Use the code SB-15 for 15% off your purchase!